Dive right into the 31 public deliverables of the i-DREAMS project by following up on this interesting interview series. This brand new interview focuses on project deliverable D8.1. André Lourenço from project partner CardioID elaborates on the toolkit for vehicle operator safety. The main purpose of deliverable D8.1 is to carry out the synthesis of the research results and the consolidation of the proposed tools, to provide a toolkit for the identification and continuous monitoring of the Safety Tolerance Zone (STZ).
Furthermore, this deliverable includes a description of the methodology for the detection of drivers’ (car, bus, truck, train) available coping capacity and the task complexity imposed on them in any given situation, a set of tools that provide assistance while driving, as well as post-trip personalized feedback (including a gamified learning and training environment) and exploitation plans for the proposed tools and policy recommendations for the related authorities.