The i-DREAMS project consists of the following 10 work packages:
WP1: Project Management
Concrete tasks in this WP are: Taking care of effective operational communication between partners and technical coordination between WP’s, realizing a strong infrastructure that ensures all financial and legal requirements are successfully put in place, guaranteeing close contact with the funding. agreement between partners concerning the ownership of foreground and background knowledge, the IPR and the responsibilities of each partner is developed by the project coordinator. (Lead: Hasselt University)
WP2: State of the art on measuring the driver state and technology based risk prevention and mitigation
The goal of WP2 is to identify measurable factors contributing to the overall risk level at a given time and to document corresponding indicators for all i-DREAMS modes (car, bus, truck, train). We will review and assess state-of-the-art (in-vehicle) technology, suitable to track those indicators and combine them to get a real-time indication of risk. Furthermore, state-of-the-art user feedback and intervention technology will e reviewed and assessed and recommendations to WP3 will be given on a set of relevant systems suitable for test case implementation. (Lead: Kuratorium Für Verkehrssicherheit)
WP3: Operational design of i-DREAMS
WP3 focusses on the development of a comprehensive methodology for: (1) developing the framework for the operational design for the project; (2) selecting the data collection tools and quantify thresholds of interest; (3) selecting the most appropriate interventions; (4) designing the experimental protocol and (5) procedures for big data handling. This work will feed into subsequent WPs which will test and validate the system. (Lead: Loughborough University)
WP4: Technical implementation
The main objectives of WP 4 are: (1) The technical implementation of the data collection framework for operator and context monitoring, i.e. collecting, streamlining, processing and storing the sensor data for real-time processing; (2) The technical implementation of the safety tolerance zone concept, i.e. the continuous calculation based on real-time sensor data of the position of the driver/operator within the safety tolerance zone; (3) The technical implementation of driver assistance interventions (i.e. in real-time while driving) and post-trip (i.e. providing feedback about the safety performance of the driver and using goal setting and social gamification schemes for long-term sustainable behavioural change) for different risk-related scenarios. (Lead: CardioID Technologies)
WP5: 4-stage, 5-country experiment
WP5 aims to (1) organize the simulator experiments as well as the field studies. (2) successfully execute the simulator experiments as well as the on-road testing trials. (3) process and integrate the data collected, using Big Data analytics. (Lead: Technische Universität München)
WP6: Analysis of risk factors
WP6 will develop and implement a methodology for the analysing risk factors associated with reaching the boundaries of the ‘safety tolerance zone’, including operator and vehicle state factors, as well as task complexity factors. WP6 will also develop models reflecting the complex relationship between the above risk factors and the effect of these factors on risk. A synthesis of the results will provide an integrated model of risk on the basis of the ‘safety tolerance zone’ concept, as a comprehensive set of indicators describing operator context-aware behaviour and safety level. (Lead: National Technical University of Athens)
WP7: Evaluation of safety interventions
In WP7 we will work out a methodology for evaluating the interventions to improve driver/operator safety and we will test the effectiveness of the i-DREAMS interventions on the basis of the field study data. (Lead: National Technical University of Athens)
WP8: Road map to market and society
WP8 concerns the final output of the i-DREAMS research project. Through synthesis of research results, and the consolidation of tools, as well as through exploitation & policy recommendations, dissemination and utilization of research results the outcomes will reach a broader audience outside the project partners. (Lead: Hasselt University)
WP9: Stakeholder consultation and dissemination
WP9 will ensure wide consultation of all relevant stakeholders. It will also guarantee efficient dissemination of the project activities throughout the project to ensure wide outreach of the project’s results and outputs among all groups of stakeholders. (Lead: European Transport Safety Council)
WP10: Ethics requirements
This work package sets out the ethics requirements that the project must comply with. (Lead: Hasselt University)