We reached the end of i-DREAMS and what a ride it was! Besides all the research that was carried out, we also put a lot of effort into making the research as accessible and understandable as possible for everyone interested in our project. This elaborate final brochure is a synthesis of that effort.
Through 37 deliverables we described our research journey. These technical reports, most of which available on our website, are often difficult to read for a non-scientific audience. Therefore our communication manager interviewed the authors of the different deliverables to let them tell their research story in a non-scientific way. All these interviews were compiled in this brochure, together with a couple of short syntheses of the deliverables that are confidential, thus not publicly available on our website.
By clicking on the deliverable numbers in the timeline, you can directly jump to the deliverable interview you prefer. If you are mainly interested in how we approached the research, then the interviews of WP’s 2, 3, 4 and 5 will shed a light on that. More curious about the results? Then make sure to read the WP 6 and 7 interviews. WP 8 provides answers to what is next, after the project. To conclude, WP 1, 9 and 10 respectively elaborate on our management approach, our communication and dissemination strategy, and the ethical challenges we had to tackle.
We hope you enjoy reading this brochure!