Our third and final Policy Brief focuses on ‘How’s my driving?‘. It sheds light on how Corporate Social Responsibility can support Road Safety, and how Road Safety can improve the Transport Business.
This policy brief starts out by stating that we should move beyond ‘blame-it-on-the-driver’. We should look further than the individual driver and act upon structural factors that are involved in crashes. Tackling those factors can reduce the number and severity of crashes.
Up next is Corporate Social Responsibility. Mobility must be safe to become sustainable. As a growing number of public authorities commit to reducing traffic fatalities and promoting walking and cycling, public opinion is shifting on the issue of road risk. When a commercial vehicle kills or seriously injures a person walking or cycling, the event is no longer seen as a stroke of “bad luck” about which the company involved could do nothing. People understand that the company could and should have done something to prevent the fatality.
Then, we focused on the solution i-DREAMS can offer to many challenges. i-DREAMS has developed a ready-to-use solution to many challenges faced by businesses in the transport industry. Rising fuel and insurance costs, taxes and wages rising… the overall increasing cost structure can quickly become a burden. To resist in this very competitive industry, resilience is a determinant factor. The most secure asset companies can rely on is their qualified and devoted workers.
To close off this policy brief, we look ahead. What’s next for i-DREAMS?