Deliverable interview 3.6 online now!

Dive right into the 31 public deliverables of the i-DREAMS project by following up on this interesting interview series. This brand new interview focuses on project deliverable D3.6. Rachel Talbot from project partner Loughborough University elaborates on the enhanced toolbox of recommended data collection tools, monitoring methods and interventions including thresholds for the Safety Tolerance Zone.

D3.6 can be considered as an update of several sections of D3.2. First the deliverable provides the final selection of driver performance objectives, the associated variables and how these relate to the three phases of the Safety Tolerance Zone (STZ). Secondly, the deliverable shines a light on the intervention strategies, when interventions are triggered and how driving style can be incorporated into STZ calculations. Furthermore, variables related to task complexity and coping capacity are detailed and it is explained how they will be measured for each mode. Lastly, the deliverable describes how the four identified mathematical models from D3.2 can be applied in the i-DREAMS risk analyses.