Dive right into the 31 public deliverables of the i-DREAMS project by following up on this interesting interview series. In this brand new interview, Yves Vanrompay from project partner UHasselt elaborates on the smartphone app that provides personalized driving behavioural feedback to the driver.
Assisting drivers during and after the trip, that is what i-DREAMS does. As part of the post-trip coaching of the drivers a smartphone app for feedback has been developed where the driver receives feedback about important safety variables once a trip has been completed. Based on the safety driver performance of the individual, goals are offered to the driver and tips and tricks are available to achieve those goals. A driver can measure his/her individual performance in relation to other fellow drivers. The Android smartphone app, its realization and functionalities, are the subject of deliverable 4.5. Furthermore, although not originally planned, an iOS version of the app was developed. This was not within the scope of this deliverable, but of course, we will definitely talk about it in this interview.