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Dive right into the 31 public deliverables of the i-DREAMS project by following up on this interesting interview series. This time, we focus on deliverable 3.2, which focuses on the toolbox of recommended data collection tools and monitoring methods and a conceptual definition of the Safety Tolerance Zone.

The Safety Tolerance Zone (STZ) is the core concept of the i-DREAMS project. This report conceptualizes the STZ in a practical way, which led to the theoretical framework for operational design described in project deliverable 3.1. This will then be further developed into a fully functional methodology to be implemented in the experimental set-ups.

This means that three things come together in this report: the list of available technologies, the factors and indicators to be monitored ideally and the translation of the measurements into meaningful STZ levels that trigger interventions.

Furthermore, in this report we ultimately aim to provide a toolbox containing a list of feasible options with the most useful tools for data collection and monitoring, together with the suggestion of a mathematical framework to realise the STZ in real-life driving situations.